Saturday, November 26, 2011

Healthy Aging and your Workplace

How Some Jobs Can Affect Healthy Aging

There are jobs that can pose a danger to health. If you have any of these jobs, you may face medical and mental problems down the road. However, you have to work because if you don't, someone else will take over your job, you won't have income and you won't  be able to provide for your family. If quitting your job and finding another one that's safer for your health is not an option, you should at least take precautions so you can perform your tasks at work safely.
Jobs that are Bad for the Health

Jobs in sawmills and other types of mills are bad for the health. This is because these work environments constantly expose its workers to small grains that are breathed into and enter the lungs. If you work in a sawmill, you'll be breathing in saw dust and over time, you'll develop problems in your respiratory system. The same is true if you work in a mill where corn, wheat or any other grains are processed. All these small particles can lead to lung disease or lung cancer.

If you work in a factory, constant exposure to chemicals and other particles in the air can increase your risk of developing bronchitis and allergies. People who work in coal mines are also in danger of developing respiratory ailments. They are exposed to chemicals and harmful particles in the air. In particular, coal mine workers are at risk of developing black lung cancer because of black Sid. Unfortunately, if the doctor doesn't catch this type of cancer in its first stage, it is only a matter of time until the affected individual dies.

Other jobs that pose a danger to health include those that involve chemical spraying of weeds and bugs. These would be mostly agricultural jobs. Crops need to be sprayed to help them survive, but the individuals who do the spraying are at risk of developing diseases like lung disease or lung cancer. Some people who are fortunate to not be so severely affected by exposure to chemical sprays often have some type of breathing problem or another.

How to Be Safe at Work

If you work in an environment wherein you are constantly exposed to chemicals or small particles in the air, you need to make sure that you are properly protected each time you enter the workplace. You want to stay safe and healthy while you are at work. First, ask your supervisor to provide you with protective gear such as a mask that you can wear as you work. If there are no masks available in your workplace, buy one at the local pharmacy. However, keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the company you work for to provide you and the other workers a safe environment and protective gear if needed.

Jobs and Mental Problems

Any job comes with stress. Whatever job you're in right now, you are likely to be experiencing some sort of stress. If you let stress get to you, your health will suffer; this is why you need to learn how to manage the stress you experience in your workplace. Stress that is out of control may lead to high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke. There are breathing techniques you can do when you feel overwhelmed. If your workplace has a gym or a basketball court, take some time out; get on the treadmill or shoot some hoops for a few minutes. Take a brisk walk during your lunch break. When you get home, soak in the tub and just relax. And avoid bringing work home with you.

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