Saturday, November 26, 2011

Seeing Eye Dogs and Healthy Aging

Seeing Eye Dogs Can Be a Blessing for the Aging

Aging is difficult whether it is your sight that starts fading or any other senses. It is particularly difficult when you have no one of able body to take care of you as you age. As we get older and less able to care for ourselves, we suddenly lose our independence and must rely on others who aren't always all that reliable. We can end up depressed because we can't do what we want anymore and even more depressed when we feel like a burden on family members. But if you suffer from vision loss, there may be a very useful solution that is far more reliable than any person.

Seeing eye dogs make for both wonderful companions and hard workers. Seeing eye dogs can be a blessing that restores your sense of independence and removes much of the burden you place on others. Seeing eye dogs are happiest when you make heavy use of them. Generally, all your seeing eye dog wants is to have food and water, get exercise, and spend time with you.

With a seeing eye dog at your side, you can return to living a more active life as if you had your sight again. You will also be able to stay more active as you get plenty of exercise while exercising your dog. These dogs are very gifted and will surprise you with their training and intelligence. In most cases, seeing eye dogs are more alert to the dangers they see than people are.

You will have both a social companion and the ability to get out and socialize with others when you have a guide dog. Having a disability that makes it hard to function in society can make you want to give up on life. But your guide dog will help you get back in the flow of life and get plenty of exercise to keep you healthy. This can be especially beneficial in keeping your brain clear, diabetes at bay, blood pressure at bay, and strokes to a minimum.

Similarly, those with hearing problems or seeing and hearing problems can get hearing ear dogs that are trained to be a person's ears. The hearing ear dogs will listen for things like the telephone and danger. When someone calls out to you, they will tell you about it.

Sadly, most of these highly trained dogs only have working lives of about seven years before retirement. You will greatly miss your companion when he is no longer by your side everywhere you go to provide you with guidance. It is like having a best friend who is also your eyes and or ears.

Many people fail to receive the benefits of seeing eye dogs simply because they are afraid it won't work for them. You can rest assured that as a guide dog owner, you will also be trained on using your guide dog. You will have a professional guide dog trainer working with you and your dog. Very few people ever regret getting seeing eye dogs, even those who have never had pets in their lives.

Having your independence handed back to you can be invaluable. You will have the dignity of caring for yourself, with the help of your ever-willing companion. You may feel safer than you did 10 years ago when you are out walking around town with your new guide dog. You may even find you are meeting a lot of new people and making new friends when you go out with your guide dog. Guide dogs are one of the best conversation pieces you can take with you everywhere.

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